. reg _Iwgrp_1 LevelofEducation PupilTeacherRatio- NonTeachingStaffFemale mynorth myeast LevelofEducation - SchoolInstitutionType_3 if wgrp!=2 note: LevelofEducation omitted because of collinearity note: TotalToilets omitted because of collinearity note: TotalBoys omitted because of collinearity note: TotalGirls omitted because of collinearity note: LocalAuthorityMale omitted because of collinearity note: OthersMale omitted because of collinearity note: OthersFemale omitted because of collinearity note: LevelofEducation omitted because of collinearity note: StatusofSchool omitted because of collinearity note: SchoolInstitutionType_1 omitted because of collinearity note: SchoolInstitutionType_2 omitted because of collinearity Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 50 -------------+---------------------------------- F(19, 30) = 0.79 Model | 4.16556667 19 .219240351 Prob > F = 0.7014 Residual | 8.33443333 30 .277814444 R-squared = 0.3332 -------------+---------------------------------- Adj R-squared = -0.0890 Total | 12.5 49 .255102041 Root MSE = .52708 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _Iwgrp_1 | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] ------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- LevelofEducation | 0 (omitted) PupilTeacherRatio | .0288073 .0286192 1.01 0.322 -.0296409 .0872556 PupilClassroomRatio | .0163064 .0303894 0.54 0.596 -.045757 .0783698 PupilToiletRatio | .0025992 .0026952 0.96 0.343 -.002905 .0081035 TotalNumberofClassrooms | .1218145 .1512857 0.81 0.427 -.1871521 .4307812 BoysToilets | .053477 .0553419 0.97 0.342 -.0595462 .1665003 GirlsToilets | -.0173947 .0530267 -0.33 0.745 -.1256897 .0909002 TotalToilets | 0 (omitted) TeachersToilets | -.052716 .1238329 -0.43 0.673 -.3056166 .2001846 TotalBoys | 0 (omitted) TotalGirls | 0 (omitted) TotalEnrolment | -.004978 .0043714 -1.14 0.264 -.0139056 .0039497 GOKTSCMale | .1602554 .1571963 1.02 0.316 -.1607823 .4812931 GOKTSCFemale | .1373813 .1739863 0.79 0.436 -.2179463 .4927088 LocalAuthorityMale | 0 (omitted) LocalAuthorityFemale | -.2004684 .3810847 -0.53 0.603 -.9787472 .5778105 PTABOGMale | .2991219 .1700414 1.76 0.089 -.0481491 .6463928 PTABOGFemale | .0310366 .2106063 0.15 0.884 -.3990787 .461152 OthersMale | 0 (omitted) OthersFemale | 0 (omitted) NonTeachingStaffMale | -.1125013 .1341677 -0.84 0.408 -.3865083 .1615057 NonTeachingStaffFemale | -.1047683 .1774965 -0.59 0.559 -.4672644 .2577279 mynorth | .3234731 1.483793 0.22 0.829 -2.706836 3.353782 myeast | 1.918561 3.21864 0.60 0.556 -4.654779 8.4919 LevelofEducation | 0 (omitted) StatusofSchool | 0 (omitted) SponsorofSchool | .1953422 .1336732 1.46 0.154 -.077655 .4683393 SchoolInstitutionType_1 | 0 (omitted) SchoolInstitutionType_2 | 0 (omitted) SchoolInstitutionType_3 | .8355853 .4370035 1.91 0.065 -.056895 1.728066 _cons | -69.63435 109.4487 -0.64 0.529 -293.1584 153.8896 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . reg _Iwgrp_2 LevelofEducation PupilTeacherRatio- NonTeachingStaffFemale mynorth myeast LevelofEducation - SchoolInstitutionType_3 if wgrp!=1 note: LevelofEducation omitted because of collinearity note: TotalToilets omitted because of collinearity note: TotalBoys omitted because of collinearity note: TotalGirls omitted because of collinearity note: OthersMale omitted because of collinearity note: OthersFemale omitted because of collinearity note: LevelofEducation omitted because of collinearity note: StatusofSchool omitted because of collinearity Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 50 -------------+---------------------------------- F(22, 27) = 1.40 Model | 6.65049257 22 .302295117 Prob > F = 0.2037 Residual | 5.84950743 27 .216648423 R-squared = 0.5320 -------------+---------------------------------- Adj R-squared = 0.1507 Total | 12.5 49 .255102041 Root MSE = .46546 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _Iwgrp_2 | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] ------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- LevelofEducation | 0 (omitted) PupilTeacherRatio | -.0150779 .0086807 -1.74 0.094 -.0328892 .0027335 PupilClassroomRatio | -.0115416 .0084448 -1.37 0.183 -.0288688 .0057856 PupilToiletRatio | .0019146 .0027866 0.69 0.498 -.003803 .0076321 TotalNumberofClassrooms | -.0878755 .0428128 -2.05 0.050 -.1757201 -.0000309 BoysToilets | -.0189994 .0516631 -0.37 0.716 -.1250034 .0870046 GirlsToilets | .0137345 .0423958 0.32 0.748 -.0732545 .1007234 TotalToilets | 0 (omitted) TeachersToilets | .050384 .0827932 0.61 0.548 -.1194936 .2202616 TotalBoys | 0 (omitted) TotalGirls | 0 (omitted) TotalEnrolment | .0036087 .0011275 3.20 0.003 .0012953 .0059221 GOKTSCMale | .08706 .0543118 1.60 0.121 -.0243786 .1984986 GOKTSCFemale | -.1043762 .0654614 -1.59 0.122 -.2386919 .0299396 LocalAuthorityMale | 1.00629 .6119586 1.64 0.112 -.2493456 2.261925 LocalAuthorityFemale | -.070657 .3420177 -0.21 0.838 -.7724194 .6311054 PTABOGMale | .0312071 .0974514 0.32 0.751 -.1687465 .2311608 PTABOGFemale | -.0821082 .1337251 -0.61 0.544 -.3564894 .192273 OthersMale | 0 (omitted) OthersFemale | 0 (omitted) NonTeachingStaffMale | .0180348 .1287334 0.14 0.890 -.2461043 .2821739 NonTeachingStaffFemale | -.2176359 .1287869 -1.69 0.103 -.4818847 .0466129 mynorth | 1.520243 1.572747 0.97 0.342 -1.706766 4.747253 myeast | 2.302196 2.688927 0.86 0.399 -3.215025 7.819418 LevelofEducation | 0 (omitted) StatusofSchool | 0 (omitted) SponsorofSchool | -.1878969 .0923444 -2.03 0.052 -.3773719 .0015781 SchoolInstitutionType_1 | 1.544496 1.412902 1.09 0.284 -1.354539 4.443531 SchoolInstitutionType_2 | -1.320327 .6155844 -2.14 0.041 -2.583402 -.0572523 SchoolInstitutionType_3 | .0107748 .4041996 0.03 0.979 -.8185743 .840124 _cons | -76.82494 91.30374 -0.84 0.408 -264.1647 110.5149 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . reg _Iwgrp_3 LevelofEducation PupilTeacherRatio- NonTeachingStaffFemale mynorth myeast LevelofEducation - SchoolInstitutionType_3 note: LevelofEducation omitted because of collinearity note: TotalToilets omitted because of collinearity note: TotalBoys omitted because of collinearity note: TotalGirls omitted because of collinearity note: OthersMale omitted because of collinearity note: OthersFemale omitted because of collinearity note: LevelofEducation omitted because of collinearity note: StatusofSchool omitted because of collinearity Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 75 -------------+---------------------------------- F(22, 52) = 0.95 Model | 4.77504114 22 .217047324 Prob > F = 0.5378 Residual | 11.8916255 52 .228685106 R-squared = 0.2865 -------------+---------------------------------- Adj R-squared = -0.0154 Total | 16.6666667 74 .225225225 Root MSE = .47821 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _Iwgrp_3 | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] ------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- LevelofEducation | 0 (omitted) PupilTeacherRatio | .0072151 .0071666 1.01 0.319 -.0071657 .0215959 PupilClassroomRatio | .0079658 .0072078 1.11 0.274 -.0064978 .0224294 PupilToiletRatio | -.0016273 .0015832 -1.03 0.309 -.0048042 .0015496 TotalNumberofClassrooms | .032238 .0349987 0.92 0.361 -.037992 .102468 BoysToilets | -.0284748 .0347997 -0.82 0.417 -.0983054 .0413558 GirlsToilets | .0062938 .0349407 0.18 0.858 -.0638199 .0764074 TotalToilets | 0 (omitted) TeachersToilets | -.0110434 .0686096 -0.16 0.873 -.1487187 .1266319 TotalBoys | 0 (omitted) TotalGirls | 0 (omitted) TotalEnrolment | -.0019324 .0010403 -1.86 0.069 -.0040199 .0001551 GOKTSCMale | -.0356377 .0464104 -0.77 0.446 -.128767 .0574916 GOKTSCFemale | .0696814 .0504131 1.38 0.173 -.0314799 .1708427 LocalAuthorityMale | -.3655761 .5753508 -0.64 0.528 -1.520102 .7889497 LocalAuthorityFemale | .2444764 .2997781 0.82 0.418 -.3570723 .846025 PTABOGMale | -.0668198 .0709267 -0.94 0.350 -.2091446 .0755051 PTABOGFemale | .1094709 .1060001 1.03 0.307 -.1032338 .3221757 OthersMale | 0 (omitted) OthersFemale | 0 (omitted) NonTeachingStaffMale | .0181223 .0915782 0.20 0.844 -.1656428 .2018874 NonTeachingStaffFemale | .1760707 .1059018 1.66 0.102 -.0364367 .3885782 mynorth | -1.07494 1.118303 -0.96 0.341 -3.318979 1.1691 myeast | -1.595812 2.11083 -0.76 0.453 -5.831503 2.639878 LevelofEducation | 0 (omitted) StatusofSchool | 0 (omitted) SponsorofSchool | .0335406 .0768061 0.44 0.664 -.120582 .1876633 SchoolInstitutionType_1 | -1.574941 1.350057 -1.17 0.249 -4.284029 1.134147 SchoolInstitutionType_2 | 1.177842 .6125227 1.92 0.060 -.0512744 2.406959 SchoolInstitutionType_3 | -.5755722 .3742647 -1.54 0.130 -1.326589 .1754449 _cons | 55.55563 71.66176 0.78 0.442 -88.2442 199.3555 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------