The GiveWell Blog

We’d be glad to chat with you!

This post is more than 8 years old

If you’re currently trying to figure out where you’ll give this year and think it might be helpful to talk to us about your decision, please feel free to contact us at or via this form. We’d be happy to set up a phone call or answer questions over email.

We’ve spoken with many individuals who use our research over the past year. Our impression is that these conversations can be useful for donors and potential donors because (1) we publish a lot of information on our website, and it can be challenging for a time-constrained individual to find, read, and analyze all of it; and (2) different donors have different values and intuitions, and we believe it can be helpful to talk through the strengths and weaknesses of, and other considerations related to, the organizations we recommend. Conversations like these also help us understand how people use our research and what questions they have.

Due to limited staff capacity, it’s possible we won’t be able to speak with everyone who requests a call, although based on past experience we hope to be able to connect with anyone who gets in touch.

We look forward to hearing from you!